Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I made soap!

And it was lots of fun :) Very proud.
I made Honey Oat (MMMM) but the oats settled on the bottom abit :S
And I made Green tea, with coloured embeds in it....slightly dodgy but not bad LOL
so now to save and make a big order from Aussie Soap Supplies so i can play with more goodies - like EO fragrances, mica dust and goats milk soap!

Ta dah!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Cards I have made



Welcome to my craft blog. I have recently discovered there are other crafts besides sewing - which is just not for me LOL. Im enjoying easy stuff where basically you just have to put stuff together, not so much start from scratch;) Im enjoying papercrafts, mostly card making and I hope to try soap making (melt and pour) very soon!
This blog is mainly for my own reference, but feel welcome to share my journey!:)